About Jordan

It is up to the visitor’s discretion to choose the appropriate attire keeping in mind the relative conservatism of Middle Eastern societies.
Women in Jordan are not required to wear head scarves or face covers.
Swimming attire should only be worn around swimming pools or beaches and not in public places.
Even summer evenings can be quite cool, so one should be prepared to wear a shawl or sweater.
Winters are cold, windy and rainy.
Heavy snow is not unusual.
Drinking is strictly prohibited on streets.
All sorts of films, cameras, disposable cameras, camcorders are available.
Like in any country, it is advisable that one asks permission before photographing strangers. Jordan local time is seven hours ahead of American Eastern Standard Time.

From October through March, Jordan is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
The rest of the year, Jordan is three hours ahead of GMT.
Most Jordanians work five days a week with Friday and Saturday off, but business and shopping hours are flexible.
Some establishments are open from 9:30 – 13:30 and again from 15:30 to 18:00.
Others may be open straight through the day, from 08:00 to 20:00.
Government offices are open from 08:30 – 15:00.
All businesses and most shops, other than those in the souqs, are closed on Fridays.
During the Holy Month of Ramadan, working hours are more flexible and generally shorter.
The weather in Jordan is pleasurable for travel throughout the year.
Amman is sunny and cloudless from May to October, with temperatures averaging approximately 25C (75 F).
During the spring, the most beautiful season in Jordan, fields and mountains are coated with rich greenery and exquisite wildflowers.
In autumn, the weather is mild and pleasant.
July and August are hot and dry, but not restrictive of tourist activities.
Potable water is a precious resource in Jordan.
As for electricity, 200V; 50 cycles; rounded two-prong plugs are used.
Transformers and adapters are widely available.
Modern medical services are readily available in Jordan’s larger cities and towns and the bigger hotels normally have a doctor on call.
Most doctors speak English fluently.

Pharmacies can provide medication for minor aliments, but travelers should carry their own prescription medication.
Few specific facilities for those with special physical requirements exist in Jordan, although local people will do their best to assist people in need.
Nevertheless, the accessibility of some tourist sites is very limited; it is advisable to call ahead to establish if special needs can be met.
At Petra, for example, horse-drawn carriages to the main sites can be arranged in special cases.